Tuesday, October 9, 2012

More education, Less arrogance

For those of you that know me from Facebook know what happened a week ago at school. For those who don't know me, I will post what i posted on Facebook:

I had a fallout at school today. We were doing a lab and my teacher had my FM on. But the class got too loud and all I could hear was the background noise and my teacher could tell i was uncomfortable with the loudness so she told the class that I my FM was amplifying any noise in the classroom. than one kid said " Why do you have it if it makes all the noise louder?' She tried to tell but she was having a hard time so i went up to tell why i had one. during that time, I saw a lot of people laughing and giggling. That made me realize how mean people are. I excused myself and went to the bathroom and tried to cool off. I know she talked to them about how rude that was. but i doubt that will help. So to sum it up my end of the day sucked." 

 I have been thinking long and hard about it. It wasn't the boy's fault, he was curious. Sure I was mad of the tone he said it in, a kind of a smart ass tone. But then I realized, he or anyone else wouldn't be asking these questions if they were educated about this! There is more to learning then knowing  that a slope is y=mx+b, or reading Mythology for English.  You need to learn about your world and the the people who share it with you! If more people were educated about deafness and hearing loss, there would be a lot less bullying. I'm not saying it would stop completely, but it wouldn't be as bad as it is!  Most people who bully people with disabities only see the the outside, if it's the fact that that person can't hear, talk,or walk "right", or even can't express themselves. Teach them that we are people too. We just have a different outward appearance.We are not more aliens as you. I know what some people are still going to be mean even if we do tell them, but  some do bully out of arrogance

Help me end bullying of people with any disabitiy! 


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